Saturday, August 21, 2010

APP #3 - Drinking Dice (酒吧骰子)

drinkdice.png Drinking Dice (酒吧骰子) ver 1.0

Produced by Jay Kay Studio.

Written by Kenneth Liew.

When you go to pub/KTV to have a drinking session with a few friends, you will need this Drinking Dice. The Drinking Dice (酒吧骰子) is a drinking game. It has the following six faces:

- Drink 1 shot!

- Drink 2 shots!

- Person on your RIGHT drink!

- Person on your LEFT drink!

- Drink nothing!

- Drink as you wish!

The key idea is to take turns to roll the dice. And do as what you were told to do by the dice. It is fun, and it will make sure one of you or many will be drunk after the game. Remember, don't drink and drive!


酒吧骰子是一个很好玩的骰子游戏。您现在可以把 “酒吧骰子” 永远带在身上(iPhone)。 在酒吧或卡拉OK里,大家轮流丢骰子,然后就按着指示喝酒。直喝到其中一个朋友或大伙大醉为止。骰子上的指示有

- 饮一杯

- 右代饮

- 饮二杯

- 左代饮

- 随意饮

- 免饮

OK. Since Drinking Dice (酒吧骰子) is a wonderful game. Wouldn't it be nice if I can MANIPULATE the dice to what I wish it to be? And Yes, Drinking Dice come with a HIDDEN CHEAT mode where you can only learn it from this blog article.

To get "Drink nothing", simply tab 3 times the left-most dice in the history panel in portrait mode, or the most bottom dice in the history panel in landscape mode. After you done so, Shake the iPhone once and show the result.

To force a "Drink 2 shots", simply tab 3 times the fourth dice from the left in the history panel in portrait mode, or the fourth dice from the bottom in the history panel of the landscape mode. After you done so, PASS it to the person you want him/her to drink. And ask her to shake the iPhone.



Saturday, August 14, 2010

Comparing all the 3D Modeling Software

This site above has compared Maya, 3DS Max and Cinema 4D. Very interesting reading if you want to decide which to use.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Housework Dice (家务骰子)

jiawuicon7272ip.png Housework Dice (家务骰子) ver 1.0

Produced by Jay Kay Studio.

Written by Kenneth Liew.

A couple sometimes may end up with disputes when it comes to housework duties. Housework Dice (家务骰子) is here to solve the problem. It is called the "Evil Dice" in China, and it is very popular among young couples, especially young women who is below 30 years old. These young women is amaze with this Housework Dice that is able to command their husband to do housework, and shift some of the traditional duties to men. It is fun to do housework with Housework Dice.

How to Play>> Just shake your iPhone to roll the dice, and accept your fate.


家务骰子 可以帮助小夫妻决定谁做那一些家务。这个家务骰子在中国十分受欢迎。那些大男人主义的老公们更本没有逃脱的机会。用骰子来做家务也同时可以增加夫妻之间的感情和情趣。

如何玩 》》摇动您的 iPhone 来丢家务骰子。您须做那些家务即可分晓!
